South Africa Day 3: Rhino and Lion Park and Soweto

From the lobby bar of the InterContinental Hotel:
Today we saw Africa in transition, from a wild life reserve dedicated to protecting indigenous species to the changing face of Soweto.
We began the day at the Rhino & Lion Park Nature Reserve with the opportunity to see Rhinos, Lions, Water Buffalo, Antelopes, and Ostriches. Rhino & Lion Park is a privately owned facility setup to breed Rhinos in an effort to prevent the declining population as a result of poaching. A Rhino horn is worth $1,000,000 on the black market.
Next we visited Soweto. Our tour guide and Soweto resident Eric talked about life in the township and the challenges residents face as they adjust to life in a democratic South Africa.
Tomorrow we travel to Kruger National Park via the Panorama Route.